Monday, June 7, 2010

Is nothing sacred anymore?

Is nothing sacred anymore?

No, this is not a blog about faith and/or religion. This is a blog about bodily functions or the lack thereof.

When I lived with my parents, the word "fart" was a bad word. You tooted, passed gas, maybe even cut the cheese but you never ever farted. And, there used to be a time when a person would be mortified if they happened to fart in public. But, now, fart is an everyday occurence on TV, including the Disney station. Everyone farts. And, everyone laughs. If you happen to be in a job interview and feel the bloat coming forth in your body, you can pop a gas-x while the interviewer is taking a call from her son, Rip. Of course, I laugh at that commercial. However, I do hate when the "Nausea... heartburn...indigestion....upset stomach...diarrhea" song gets stuck in my head. Do you they do the dance now at weddings? Right after the electric slide?

I used to hate when people kissed too heavily when I was watching a movie with my father in the room. But, now I can watch TV with my son (11) and daughter (9) while a group of men talk about their erectile dysfunction. I have to think these men are getting paid top dollar to go on TV and announce that they can't ..well, participate in certain activities. Especially with the way men offense meant, it is just a fact. But, fortunately, we women now have KY for Her, that will make volcanoes erupt. So, even if the man can participate even a little, rest assured, fun will be had. And, if she has burning afterward, Vagisil will help her love being a woman.

I used to get embarrassed if a tampon commercial came on in the old days. Before they said "period". Though I totally understood why we had to drop the "I have my friend" and "my monthly gift". I thought "Aunt Flo" was pretty funny. But, now, all our terrible secrets are right out there in the open. We can't zip our pants, we are nervous wearing white, and the pain tends to make us a tad irritable. Have a happy period? Really?

I leave you with this cosmic question. How many times is it funny to see a guy get hit in the balls? Come on now. Once, twice, we might chuckle at the poor man's terrible luck. But, video shows are now 1 hour of fun filled ball busting. Literally.


  1. The best is how they don't even refer to it as Erectial Dysfunction...its "E.D." Seems like they have turned every condition into its own acronym.

  2. I'll be honest...I farted as I read this.
